Welcome to Young America Votes
At Young America Votes, we are dedicated to empowering youth with the knowledge and tools they need to actively participate in the democratic process. Our mission is to inspire and educate young voters, making the voting process accessible, understandable, and engaging.
As of November 2022 there were 28 million voters aged 18-24
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only 46% of young voters were registered to vote.
Of the 46% of young voters registered, only 26% of young voters actually voted.
According to these statistics, only about quarter of registered young voters voted in elections. Our mission at Young America Votes is to close this gap so that we not only register more youth to vote, but also equip them with the knowledge and tools to mobilize young people to actually vote.
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Informational Voter Education Nights
Interactive informational webinars making voting clear and engaging for young voters.
Top Issues for Young Voters
Want to Know the Best Way to Directly Combat These Issues?
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Young Voters Education
Massachusetts, United States