Get to Know the Presidential Election Process

Primaries and Caucus Debates

When: 6-9 months before a Presidential Election

During a Primary, Voters choose their preferred candidates anonymously by casting secret ballots. The state where the primary is held takes the votes into account to award delegates winners. Some states also might hold caucus debates. Caucuses are meetings run by political parties that are held at county, district, or precinct level. Some caucuses choose by secret ballot whereas others require participants to divide themselves into groups according to the candidate that they support. Each candidate’s group gives speeches and tries to get others to join their group. The number of delegates given to each candidate is based on the number of caucus votes they receive.

You can vote in a Primary or Caucus one of two ways:

  • Open Ballot: When voters do not have to be registered with a Political Party to take part in its Primary/Caucus
  • Closed Ballot: When only voters registered with that Party can take part and vote

Voting in a Primary or Caucus usually takes place between January and June of the Election Year. Use this link to figure out when to vote in the Primary/Caucus in your state.

National Conventions

When: July to early September before a Presidential Election

To become a presidential nominee, a candidate typically has to win a majority of delegates. State delegates go to the national conventions to vote to confirm their choice of candidates.

  • Types of Delegates at a National Convention:
    • Pledged or bound delegates must support the candidate they were awarded through the primary or caucus process
    • Unpledged delegates or superdelegates can support any presidential candidate they choose
  • If none of the party’s candidates have a majority of delegates going into the convention, then it is considered “contested.” Delegates will then pick their presidential nominee through one or more rounds of voting. If no nominee wins in the first round, the convention is considered “brokered” and the pledged delegates may then choose any candidate in later rounds of voting.

Once the presidential candidates are chosen, the presidential candidate then announces their Vice President running mate.

Presidential Debates

When: From two months before to the date of the Election

The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) is the governing body that sponsors and organizes the Presidential and Vice Presidential debates. The first general Presidential Debate took place on June 27th, 2024 and was sponsored by CNN. The second will be on September 10th, 2024 sponsored by ABC.

Missed the first Presidential Debate? Watch here!

Election Day

When: Tuesday, November 5th

Although many voters have started to vote early, election day is when the primary portion of the American public casts a ballot. Most polling sites across the United States close from 6-9 pm on election night, so results from those states usually come shortly after. The primary media sites that cover the election are MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News, so voters will usually tune in there to here on air election coverage. Realistically, the results of the 2024 election won’t be released the night of, as is what happened in 2020, but if they do the winning candidate will usually give a victory speech, and the losing candidate will give a speech conceding the election, in front of devoted fans.

The Electoral College

The electoral college is a process which includes the selection of electors, the meeting of electors who cast votes for the president and vice president, and the counting of the electors’ votes by Congress. The president and Vice President are not chosen directly by the citizens in the popular vote but are instead chosen through the electoral college process.

Here's how it works:

  1. After you cast your ballot for president, your vote goes into a statewide tally. The winner gets all of the electoral votes for that state.
  2. A candidate needs the vote of at least 270 electors (more than half of all electors) to win the presidential election
  3. A projected winner is announced on election night in November after you vote. The actual Electoral College vote takes place in mid-December.

Presidential Inauguration

When: January 20th, 2025

The Presidential Inauguration marks the first day that the new President serves. Both the newly elected President and Vice President are sworn into office with speeches and celebrations to follow.

In-Depth: The Electoral College vs The Popular Vote

The biggest difference between the Electoral College and the Popular Vote is that the Electoral College is decided by Congress whereas the Popular Vote is decided directly by voters. The Electoral College consists of 538 members. The number of Electors given to each state depends on how many Representatives it has plus its too Senators. To be elected President the candidate must get as least half, plus one, or 270 electoral votes. Because of the Electoral College process, more weight is given to a single vote in a small state than a vote in a large state, which leads to outcomes that may differ from the outcome of the Popular Vote. A prime example of this was the Presidential Election in 2016 between Democratic Candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican Candidate Donald Trump. Clinton had won the Popular Vote by 2.9 million votes, but lost the Presidency due to Donald Trump's winning of the Electoral College. This is why Congressional and local elections are just as important as Presidential elections. By choosing who you want to represent your state, it can help change the outcome in the Electoral College in Presidential Elections. Make sure to participate in Congressional and Local Elections as well as Presidential Elections so your voice can always be heard!

The Election Process: Congressional, State, & Local Elections

Congressional Elections

When: Every two years

Congressional elections determine who represents your State in the House of Representatives and the Senate, which make up the whole of Congress. At the time of Congressional Elections, one-third of the Senate and every seat in the House of Representatives is up for Election. Find out when Congressional Elections are happening in your State here.


Midterm Congressional Elections take place halfway between Presidential elections. The last Midterms were in November of 2022 and the next Midterm Elections will take place in November 2026.

State and Local Elections

State and local elections take place in any year and various times throughout the year, depending on your State. You can check with your state and local election offices here to find out when your next elections will take place.

There are various types of State and Local Elections. Here are a few examples:

  • Legislative Officials Elections are to vote on Representatives for the state legislature who will act as the state's law-making body. A state legislature may also consist of county council members, who make laws and policies that affect local initiatives, that you may also need to vote on in this type of election.
  • Executive Officials Elections are to vote for the State Governors, County Executives, and City Mayors.
  • Ballot Measures, which are proposed local and state policies, are something you may also be able to vote on. Ballot Measures created by citizen groups are called ballot initiatives.